On September 26-27, 2017 Nizhny Novgorod Dobrolyubov State Linguistic University held the 1st international educational forum “Language Policy and Linguistic Security”. For two days scholars, experts, community activists, and teachers discussed ways of enhancing linguistic security in Russia and increasing Russian social and economic potential on the international arena. Particularly hot discussions revolved around issues of studying foreign languages in the modern cultural and social context, and importance of language policy in the humanities.

The discussions held are important due to the National Security agenda of the Russian Federation, i.e. enhancing Russian cultural and historical legacy and preserving Russian identity. The participants noted the language policy and linguistic security importance for all countries in the context of globalization because they are intertwined with issues of self-identification of the peoples and with ways of establishing mutually profitable cross-cultural dialogue.

Russian is the official language in Russia, and it is a basis for transferring Russian values and standards and for protecting Russia from cultural and ideological invasion from the outside. Preservation and prosperity of the Russian language is the key factor of ensuring Russian ethnic and cultural independence. The Russian language is the keeper of civilization code and a way to express Russian unique value orientation.

Strengthening and promoting Russia’s positive image may be possible only with the right language policy in mind, a policy that supports the Russian language and culture inside the country and spikes interest for it abroad.